Creating New Member Page
Creating a new MemberPage for yourself is fairly easy. There exists a template for such a page:
Open the template (if you have not already done so - preferrably in another browser-window), click "Edit" in the menu-bar, highlight the content between the two red-marked lines and copy it (either with the keys "Ctrl" + "C" or by choosing "Edit" and then "Copy" from your browsers menu-bar).
Now open a new Browser-window and type (do not try to copy and paste if you have already copied the text from the template or you might loose that)
in the space where you type an URL (but do not forget to replace "MyUserName with the WikiUserName you have chosen for yourself).
This opens a new page, which will become your MemberPage, now click Edit (from the Wiki menu-bar at the left) and then paste what you just copied from the template (either with the keys "Ctrl" + "V" or by choosing "Edit" and then "Paste" from your browser's menu-bar) into the empty page. Make the necessary changes and click "Save". That's it
Please see also: WikiUserName
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