Doug Creller
 | this is just a test of the toc system:) | |
I am Doug Creller, 47 (almost 5 years since i was last here -- how time flys -- sorry), from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
22 years of informal study of Tolkiens; The Hobbit; The Lord of the Rings; and The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales.
Shunning the Histories until just recently.
 | 'Mercy!' said Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?'
'The names of all the stars, and of all living things, and the whole history of Middle-earth and Over-heavens and of the Sundering Seas,' laughed Pippin. 'Of course! What less?' | The Two Towers: The Palantír |
I am also known as Chymaera TTFMember:Chymaera at The
Doug's Reading List |  |
The Hobbit 2 copies
The Lord of the Rings 2 copies
The Silmarillion 4 copies including a 1977 hardcover
Unfinished Tales 2 copies
The Book of Lost Tales 1
The Book of Lost Tales 2 Almost done very interesting work!
The Lays of Beleriand
The Shaping of Middle-earth
The Lost Road
The Return of the Shadow
The Treason of Isengard
The War of the Ring
Sauron Defeated
Morgoths Ring What did I ever do without this?!!!
The War of the Jewels
The Peoples of Middle-earth
JRR Tolkien-A Biography This is an Outstanding book it is a must read!
The Letters of JRR Tolkien
The Inklings
The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays
Pictures of J.R.R. Tolkien
The Merriam-Webster? Dictionary & Thesaurus 
Doug's Story |  |
I first had the Hobbit read to me in the third grade. -- 1973 --
I am just realizing now that this was probably a the time of the Professor's death and that reminded people of him and his stories.
I enjoyed the story. Then forgot about it for nine years.
In High School I made the discovery that I could walk in to a book store and actually buy this book and take it home with me!!
The Lord of the Ring and The Silmarillion quickly followed.
I am currently going to attempt to get back in the swing and relearn how to edit and finish some of the projects that I started
Message-Box |  |
I saw you had Túrin on your projects list so I figured I'd ask you first; I've been working on including all the names from the Silmarillion index on this site, and many of those are the various names that Túrin used throughout his life. Do you think it would be better to include all of these only on the Túrin page, or should they be separate pages with a link to Túrin? I'm not sure which would be more useful. -- GilMiriel
Doug's Projects |  | TolkienWikiProjects
I do not claim exclusive rights to these, but I thought it
would be a good idea for me to help me get going again after being away for a week.
I am starting with these because once I have done most of the article I will be left with a bunch of empty links that need o be filled out. Continuing my journey in to the Deep Dark Void that is the Wiki!
I am including Túrin because I fear the work involved (this is one of the very big ones)
- Nauglamír,
- Silmarils,
- Bag End,
- Isildur,
- Narsil,
- Morgoth,
- Yavanna,
- Shire-reckoning,
- Gerontius Took,
- Telperion,
- Laurelin,
- Bungo Baggins,
- Belladonna Took,
- Bandobras Took,
- Ring of Barahir,
- The Bath Song,
- Oaths of Eorl and Cirion,
- ThorinsLetter,
- ells
- fathoms
- fortnight
- league
- TolMorwen
- Bill the Pony
- Gifts of Galadriel
- fey
- vambrace
- BlackEmperor
- Éothéod
- Song of Gondor
- Story of Bag End
- Valian Year
- Dwarves Clean-up Song
- Dwarves Song
- Paths of the Dead
- Túrin
- Unexpected Party
- {Long Expected Pary}?
- Shadowfax
- Fatty Lumpkin
- Shelob
- Watcher in the Water
- MalbethsProphesies
- Dunharrow
- Spiders of Mirkwood
- Spiders
- Oliphaunts
- The Curse of Morgoth
- Roäc
- Thrush
- NeekerBreekers
- BarrowBlades
- eyot
- Dingle
- dingle
- furlong