Hymn Singer

Hello fellow Tolkieniens!

My real name is Tracey Edwards, and I am a follower of Jesus Christ and a huge fan of the Inklings. I am also a middle-aged grandma, student Pastor, writer, horsewoman, pilot, and a bunch of other things too. Oh yeah, and I sing too! And have been a Choir Director for two years.

I am studying Theology, among other things, and also studying and researching LoTR and JRRT in preparation for yet another book about Tolkien and LoTR's. This book is a commentary in the tradition of verse by verse biblical commentators. I am attempting to draw out of the story Tolkien's remarkably strong faith and the Christian truths that permeate his work. Then the commentator will attempt to make application to the Cross Walk, or the daily Christian life.

Tolkien has taught me much, and my life in Christ has been deepened and broadened by his work. I only hope I can find the words to share these examples with others.

You can email me if you wish at:

    hymnsinger (AT) skybest.com (type it in the proper context of course)

And of course, you may leave me messages here too!

Peace be with you!


(C) The Tolkien Wiki Community last changed on April 7, 2007