The Complete Guide to Middle-earth

The Complete Guide to Middle-earth by Robert Foster
Author:Robert Foster
Title:The Complete Guide to Middle-earth
Published:1978 by George Allen & Unwin


Notwithstanding the fact that it pre-dates Unfinished Tales and the History of Middle-earth series, Tolkien neophytes may find Foster's Guide a more than useful companion volume to The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion; but Wikipaedists will be better served by J. E. A. Tyler's more information-rich Complete Tolkien Companion. Foster's A to Z guide is meticulously researched, and he helpfully provides references for each entry (Tyler neglects this). He also attempts to provide etymological information for each "invented" name or term, and makes a point of indicating whether the term in question is in the "original" language or in a "translated" form. Included with the text is an "Appendix" section including Eldarin and Edainic lines of descent, plus a "Tale of Years" for the First Age.

Some of the entries (e.g. "Berúthiel") are obsolete, but Foster's book is worth picking up, nonetheless.

(C) The Tolkien Wiki Community last changed on August 28, 2003