Tolkien Wiki Goals

The Goals (Mission) of the TolkienWiki

The main goal and central focus of the TolkienWikiCommunity is, to create and maintain the TolkienWiki, a WikiWeb representing a comprehensive and accurate "Knowledgebase" or "Encyclopedia" of the literary works of the late Prof. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973) and related books.

That said, I need to mention, that I'm very well aware of what an enormous task I have let myself - and my fellow Tolkien-enthusiasts, who help creating and maintaining this side - in for with this project. A project also, that will - due to it's very nature as a WikiWeb - never really be "finished" or "complete". At some point in the future we might be done with The Compendium or the FAQ sections. But since quite a few new books about Tolkien and his epos appear each year, but also some new and unexpected books by Tolkien (like it has been shown most recently with Beowulf and the Critics; ed. by Michael Drout) are published occasionally, the Books section seems not yet limited. The same - probably even more so - goes for the Essays.

to be continued...

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(C) The Tolkien Wiki Community last changed on October 7, 2003