Tolkien Wiki Vandalism

October 08, 2004

Last wednesday, October 06, our TolkienWiki was for the first time subject to an act of vandalism. Someone using the name PeterSmith? (the one used as an example in the Preferences page) "cleared" the Sandbox and deleted the MessageBoard, stating

"The MessageBoard has been deleted, due to bandwidth problems. -- Walter"

(cf. Archive MessageBoard, Rev. 1.385 and Archive Sandbox, Rev. 1.35)

This person used an AOL account and has been reading the TolkienWiki for quite a while now, but has not edited any pages before last wednesday. All actions of this person have been logged and will be preserved.

So far not much damage has been done, but other - maybe even more annoying - actions of this person or others might follow, thus I think we should begin to think about possible reactions to this form of vandalism.

I am looking for suggestions, ideas and maybe further know-how...

-- Walter

Walter, there have been cases of vandalism in other online communities where those persons were tracked back by their IP number and exact access time and sued. What was the exact IP and access time? My recommendation to the vandal: apologize for your bad joke and hope that Walter doesn't take this too seriously. -- HelmutLeitner

There have been quite a lot of accesses from this IP since the beginning of September, so I am posting here only the accesses since the person deleted those pages.

Time (UTC+2)UserActivities
08.10+13:35_13:35195.93.33.14Sam Gamgee
07.10+22:04_22:04195.93.33.9KingSheave, Tolkienist
06.10+18:56_18:57195.93.32.8 PeterSmith?action(2)
06.10+18:56_18:56195.93.33.7 PeterSmith?FrontPage(2)
06.10+18:56_18:57195.93.32.12 PeterSmith?Aragorn edit SandBox(4)
06.10+18:55_18:55195.93.34.10 PeterSmith?action
06.10+18:54_18:54195.93.34.11 PeterSmith?action
06.10+18:53_18:57195.93.33.11 PeterSmith?MessageBoard(8) action
06.10+18:53_18:57195.93.34.9 PeterSmith?edit(2) action FrontPage(2)

We've done some research meanwhile and - with the help of a few webmasters from other Tolkien-related sites - the search is now narrowing to some 5 or 6 people. I've also - for now - lifted the ban on the IP range of these AOL proxies which I placed yesterday, so that the person gets a chance to apologize, if s/he indeed wishes to do so... -- Walter

(C) The Tolkien Wiki Community last changed on October 9, 2004