| abbr. | | abbreviation; abbreviated | |
aka | | also known as | |
c.f. | | compare further | |
e.g. | | exempli gratia; for example | |
tbc... | | to be continued... | |
pl. | | plural | |
sing. | | singular | |
| Books: | | | |
Hob | | The Hobbit | |
LotR | | The Lord of the Rings | |
FotR | | The Fellowship of the Ring | |
TTT | | The Two Towers | |
RotK? | | The Return of the King | |
Sil | | The Silmarillion | |
UT | | Unfinished Tales | |
BoLT | | Book of Lost Tales | |
LR | | Lost Road | |
Should we keep the Abbreviations FA SA TA? And how do we abbr, FourthAge then? I found the double curly braces less comfortable to type, hence I changed to FiA, SeA, etc, which are automatically recognized as Wiki words