(c. 1944 ThA.) Dúnadan, Ancestor of Imrazôr, and Lord of the place later known as Dol Amroth. He was commander of the forces of Gondor against the Wainriders in the Battle of the Camp of 1944 ThA.. When King Ondoher fell, Minohtar commanded Adrahil to withdraw with all the speed he could both his own command of the Left Wing and those at the rear of the Right Wing who had not yet been engaged. With these forces he was to cover the approaches of Minas Tirith between Cair Andros and Ephel Dúath, to allow Minohtar to form a rearguard and attempt to stem the advance of the Wainriders. Adrahil should at once message Eärnil, and inform him of the disaster of the Morannon and of the position of the retreating Northern Army.
(2917 ThA. – 3010 ThA.) Dúnadan, son of Angelimar, and father of Imrahil. He was the 21st Prince of Dol Amroth.