In Quenya Alalminórë is glossed Land of Elms, which the Gnomes also call Gar Lossion, or the Place of Flowers.
This region is accounted the centre of the island of TolEressëa and its fairest realm; one of the provinces of Inwinórë in which is situated Kortirion.
"Now one day after much journeying he (Eriol) came as the lights of evening were being kindled in many a window to the feet of a hill in a broad and woody plain. He was now near the centre of this great island .... Now as he stood at the foot of the little hill there came a faint breeze and then a flight of rooks above his head in the clear even light. The sun had some time sunk beyond the boughs of the elms that stood as far as eye could look about the plain, and some time had its last gold faded through the leaves and slipped across the glades to sleep beneath the roots and dream till dawn. | BoLT1; The Cottage of Lost Play |
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