A great rider of Gondor of a family that claimed descent from a captain of the Northmen in the service of the Kings of old. He had been sent north with a squad of messengers to beg for military aid: being the hardiest, only he survived (barely).
His name was long remembered in the song of Rochon Methestel (Rider of the Last Hope) as Borondir Udalraph (Borondir the Stirrupless), for He rode back with the éoherë at the right hand of Eorl, and was the first to cross the Limlight and cleave a path to the aid of Cirion.
He fell at last on the Field of Celebrant defending his lord, to the great grief of Gondor and the Éothéod, and was afterwards laid in tomb in the Hallows of Minas Tirith. | Unfinished Tales |
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