What are the ages of the Fellowship members? (at death, and during the quest)
Oldest to youngest
at the Council of Elrond.
Gandalf: It is unknown how old Gandalf is, but it is presumed that he was present at the Ainulindalė;
He arrived in Middle Earth about 1000 years into the Third Age; He left Middle Earth in the year 3021 of the Third Age.
Legolas Greenleaf: It is unknown exactly how old Legolas is, but he was born sometime near the beginning of the Third Age;
He left Middle Earth in the year 120 of the Fourth Age with Gimli Elf-friend.
Gimli Elf-friend was born in the year 2879 of the Third Age;
He was aged 139 at the Council of Elrond; And left Middle Earth with Legolas in the Year 120 of the Fourth Age, aged 262.
Aragorn Elessar was born in the year 2931 of the Third Age;
He was aged 87 at the Council of Elrond; He died in the year 120 of the Fourth Age, aged 210.
Frodo Baggins was born in the year 2968 of the Third Age;
He was aged 50 at the Council of Elrond; He left Middle Earth in the year 3021 of the Third Age, aged 53.
Boromir was born in the year 2978 of the Third Age;
He was aged 40 at the Council of Elrond; He died in the year 3019 of the Third Age, aged 41.
Samwise Gamgee was born in the year 2980 of the Third Age;
He was aged 38 at the Council of Elrond; He left Middle Earth in the year 63 of the Fourth Age, aged 104.
Meriadoc Brandybuck was born in the year 2982 of the Third Age;
He was aged 36 at the Council of Elrond;
He died in approximately the year 70 of the Fourth Age, aged about 109.
Peregrin Took was born in the year 2990 of the Third Age;
He was aged 28 at the Council of Elrond; He died in approximately the year 70 of the Fourth Age, aged about 101.
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We should be able to figure Gandalf's age. in Valian Years
And I have seen somewhere that Legolas was 1542 years old but no confirmation
must investigate... Doug