





FAQ / What are the ages of the Fellowship members

What are the ages of the Fellowship members? (at death, and during the quest)

Oldest to youngest at the Council of Elrond.

Gandalf: It is unknown how old Gandalf is, but it is presumed that he was present at the Ainulindalė;

He arrived in Middle Earth about 1000 years into the Third Age; He left Middle Earth in the year 3021 of the Third Age.

Legolas Greenleaf: It is unknown exactly how old Legolas is, but he was born sometime near the beginning of the Third Age;

He left Middle Earth in the year 120 of the Fourth Age with Gimli Elf-friend.

Gimli Elf-friend was born in the year 2879 of the Third Age;

He was aged 139 at the Council of Elrond; And left Middle Earth with Legolas in the Year 120 of the Fourth Age, aged 262.

Aragorn Elessar was born in the year 2931 of the Third Age;

He was aged 87 at the Council of Elrond; He died in the year 120 of the Fourth Age, aged 210.

Frodo Baggins was born in the year 2968 of the Third Age;

He was aged 50 at the Council of Elrond; He left Middle Earth in the year 3021 of the Third Age, aged 53.

Boromir was born in the year 2978 of the Third Age;

He was aged 40 at the Council of Elrond; He died in the year 3019 of the Third Age, aged 41.

Samwise Gamgee was born in the year 2980 of the Third Age;

He was aged 38 at the Council of Elrond; He left Middle Earth in the year 63 of the Fourth Age, aged 104.

Meriadoc Brandybuck was born in the year 2982 of the Third Age;

He was aged 36 at the Council of Elrond; He died in approximately the year 70 of the Fourth Age, aged about 109.

Peregrin Took was born in the year 2990 of the Third Age;

He was aged 28 at the Council of Elrond; He died in approximately the year 70 of the Fourth Age, aged about 101.

Authored by TTFMember:Aulė
We should be able to figure Gandalf's age. in Valian Years

And I have seen somewhere that Legolas was 1542 years old but no confirmation

must investigate... Doug


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