FAQ / What do attercop tomnoddy lazy lob and crazy cob mean
What do ‘attercop’, ‘tomnoddy, ‘lazy lob’ and ‘crazy cob’ mean?
Attercop is derived from Old English at(t)or-coppa, Middle English atter-cop(pe), both of which mean spider. The word attercop literally means “poison-head”, the old idea being that spiders were poisonous insects.
The Oxford English Dictionary gives the definition of tomnoddy as “a foolish or stupid person”.
Both the words lob and cob are words for “spider”. Lob comes from Old English loppe, lobbe; Middle English loppe, lop(p), lob. Cob is rare as a separate word, and is most likely taken from cobweb.
Authored by TTFMember:Elendil3119