Folder Edain This is where to find people of the Three Houses of the Men who were elf-friends in the first age. FolderFolders 64 pages: Adanedhel Adanel Aerin Agarwaen Agathor Algund Angrim Arthad Baragund Belegund Bëor Bereg Boromir Brandir Bregolas Bregor Dagnir Dairuin Dorlas Drúedain Eärendil Emeldir Erellont Falathar Galador Galdor Gildor Glóredhel Gorlim Gorthol Gundor Hador Haladin Haldad Haldan Haldar Haldir Haleth Halmir Handir Hareth Hathaldir House of Bëor House of Marach Hunthor Huor Húrin Imrazôr Lalaith Magor Malach Marach Nienor Níniel Radhruin Ragnor Rían Second House of the Edain Tar-Herunúmen ThreeHouses Tuor Túrin Úmarth Urthel