Folder Items For pages describing items in Tolkien's novels FolderFolders 68 pages: Aiglos Angaino Angainor Anglachel Anguirel Aranrúth Arkenstone BarrowBlades Belthil Belthronding Book of Mazarbul Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin Eämbar Eärámë Elessar Fëanorian Lamps Galathilion galvorn Gifts of Galadriel Glamdring Glingal Guild of Venturers Gurthang Guthwine Helm of Hador Herugrim Hírilorn Hithlain IantIaur Illuin Lamps of the Valar mathom Mirror of Galadriel Mithril Moon Narsil Narya Nauglamír Nenya Nimphelos NineRings Of the Palantíri Of the Sun and the Moon OneRing Orcrist Ormal Palantíri Palarran Phial of Galadriel RedArrow Ringil Rings of Power Ring of Barahir Rothinzil Sári SevenRings Ship of the Moon Silmarils Stars of Arda Star of Elendil Sting Stone of Erech Sun ThreeRings Ulumúri Valaróma Vilya Vingilot