Message Board
May 16, 2004 | |
Since the Forum in this "incarnation" doesn't quite thrive and because of the considerations mentioned below, I thought we could give the other idea for the Forum, to establish it as a BulletinBoard, a try. I've set it up in a rudimentary form and with your agreement and help, I would like to move some things from here to the "new" TolkienWikiForum. I would like to invite everybody to join us there. -- Walter
- Sounds like a great idea to me! One question: will the TolkienWikiProjects be moved there as well? If so, would it be best to have a post with a general list of of available projects, and then have each member post their personal ones? I'm not sure how this would work in the forum format. -- GilMiriel
I've been pondering that, but am still not sure what would be best. At the moment I am thinking about keeping the TolkienWikiProjects here at the Wiki (because here at the Wiki it's easier to edit for all participants than at the forum) and just discuss new and ongoing projects over at the forum. What do you all think? -- Walter
- Maybe we could post a 'help wanted' list of projects that have not been claimed on the forum, but keep the individual lists on the Wiki? I would be willing to be in charge of keeping it updated periodically. We could put a link to the Projects page here and vice versa so it would be easy to go back and forth. --Gil
Great idea! I'd be grateful if you could maintain those lists -- Walter
I've set up InterWebLinks for easier access of Forum posts and threads from here (see TolkienWikiForum for more info). We are currently working on a way to establish links to TolkienWiki pages as easily, but that might take a couple more days (the work probably won't be finished until I return from my vacation in June). -- Walter
May 15, 2004 | |
In the light of the recent development regarding the future of GoT? at TTF, I am currently pondering to offer the GoT? a home. What do you all think about that? -- Walter
- I think it is scary! Scary (but also somehow delightful!!! ) it is to find out that you are as if reading my mind! It feels as if I'm "transparent" and all my thoughts lay bare open!!! :-O ... Because for two days already I've been "struggling" with the same thought that bugs my mind and I'm trying to constrain it and be patient... But if things take on steadily the direction they seem to have taken, I think we should do that! ... OMG!!! Imagine what the comments and the "deductions" of many will be if we both come up with this suggestion!!!! --LR
February 2, 2004 | |
I know this is the incorrect venue for queries about the forum, but I'm not certain how to go about creating a page in the Forum or Helpdesk environment. -- MattStott
- Matt, , you simply follow the Help Desk - link on the Forum Main page , then >> Work in the Forum page and see what I have left there as helpful hints If you want to create a page within the Helpdesk about sth., use the normal procedure as when creating any other pgae: SandBox etc., and at the bottom of the new page just add FolderHelpdesk. Hope I was of help to you! --LR
January 30, 2004 | |
I would very much wish to hear opinions on:
- what main sections you would like to see in the TW Forum as its Main Structure?;
- what would you say about having sth. like a "The TolkienWiki Monthly Newsletter" to be circulated into the e-mails of the current members and also to be published in a special section in the Forum and this section to be advertised through a link in some "right places" on the net
Walt, BTW, could the Forum be officially named "Tolkien Wiki Forum"... somehow ...
- What do you mean with officially named "Tolkien Wiki Forum"? "Tolkien Wiki Forum" rather than "The Tolkien Wiki Forum" as we call it now or that we get a separate domain name like "" or ""? -- Walter
Also ... What happened to the RPG-dedicated pages? One with the difficult name , where are you? ... And you, ChrisCharzewski?!!! -- LR
- ThisWiki:TolkienGames is the current state of things... -- Walter
January 27, 2004 | |
The design here is just meant to be a start, everyone is welcome to make suggestions for improvements or - even better - provide us with designs for the banner or background. But please keep in mind that we cannot use any copyrighted material... -- Walter
January 26, 2004 | |
Welcome to the MessageBoard for the Forum...
Now... a couple of things... Eeerr.. could the word "Forum" be placed on the left side together with the rest of the main menus on TW Front page? Thus I think it will be right away accessible. Second, can it be that when clicking on "Forum" a new window opens? It's more convenient IMO. And... well.. what is I now want to make a 'discussion- page" in the Forum? What shall I do? --- LR
I made a sub-page just to give it a try ... It looks fine, but I am going to still think on the welcoming initial note. I guess, from there on, the page will serve for anybody to come and introduce him/herself and ask questions... and hopefully :D receive answers...
I thought... How is it going to be now? ...
- I open TW Front Page >> I see "Forum" on the left >> I click >> a new window opens >> there is the Forum with its own MB, Helpdesk (which I've just created), SandBox, Recent changes, Memebrs, AND the sections (ex.) "The Hobbit", the LOTR, etc. (we can think about their list) >> I click on (ex.) LOTR and there I have it as a Folder with all the created sub-pages listed below (these should be the discussion pages for particular topics) >> I choose a topic >> I enter >> I post my opinion.
Now.. all this is valid IF the Forum would work as a typical TW environment. If the usual BB-form is chosen, then the thing is clear. IMHO, however, the TW Forum should be a place accessible and usable in the easiest way possible and the normal BB-s are well known on the web. The Forum should be the "lobby" frm where an "usher" may help people have their way around the TW and encourage them to contribute, helping them find the necessary info on how to enter their research. The Forum should also become a place where people may come and just discuss a topic and then, after they look around the whole site, they may start actively participate. ... Thoughts... But... I love it this way too!!!
And.. Walt, great artwork! --LR
Nice!!!! I think that I can come to like it here--LeifA
- And I'll be glad to have you around! --LR