After the Fellowship rested in Lórin and were preparing to leave Galadriel gave gifts to all in the party to help them an their long road.
The first gift were the boats that took them down the Great river.
Next was the gift of the Lembas.
Then all were outfitted with elven hood and cloaks with leaf brooch.
To Aragorn received a sheath for Andúril, and also the Elessar.
To Boromir a golden belt.
To Merry and Pippin small silver belts.
To Legolas a Galadhrim bow strung with elf hair and arrows.
For Sam a small grey wooden box with a silver rune 'G for Galadriel', in the box was earth from Galadriel's orchard. A gift which prove very valuable in the revival of the Shire after the desolation of Saurman. The box also contained a silver nut, that turned out to be from a Mallorn tree. the last east of the sea.
To Gimli was given three strands of Galadriel's hair, a boon that not even Fëanor was granted before.
And last to Frodo the Phial of Galadriel. To light his way in the dark places of the world, and to comfort him against the pains that plagued his later years.
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