Gil Miriel
Hi, my real name is Lucy, and I continue to find the world Tolkien created fascinating. I am studying to be an astronomer, which unfortunately requires massive amounts of physics courses and the writing of many 'why you should give me money to do research' essays.
I'm currently working on an extended profile of Aragorn, which is taking me a while to put together (this is a bit of an understatement; it's been years, but it will be done eventually, I promise!). My long-term project is to make sure all the names/places/etc. from Unfinished Tales are here on the wiki.
(notes to self)
Todo: work on the entry for Imrahil, prince of DolAmroth, and extend the Rangers entry. Add {Field of Cormallen}?.
Reading List |  | (I'm using to mean that I have read the book and own it, and to mean that I have read at least part of the book, but do not own it)
The Hobbit
The Lord of the Rings
The Silmarillion
Unfinished Tales
The Book of Lost Tales 1
The Book of Lost Tales 2
The Lays of Beleriand
The Shaping of Middle-earth
The Lost Road
The Return of the Shadow
The Treason of Isengard
The War of the Ring
Sauron Defeated
Morgoths Ring
The War of the Jewels
The Peoples of Middle-earth
JRR Tolkien-A Biography
The Letters of JRR Tolkien
The Inklings
The Tolkien Reader
The Monsters and the Critics
Tales from the Perilous Realm
The Father Christmas Letters
Finn and Hengest
Mr Bliss
Message Box |  |
I am finally done with my second year of college, and am on to my summer internship doing astronomy research! Amid coping with cockroach issues in my apartment, getting an internet connection there, learning a whole new computer language for work, and getting over the novelty of having hills to ride my bike on (Ohio, where I live and go to school, is quite flat while Virginia, where I am for the summer, has hills!), I have every intention of re-reading many of my Tolkien books and contributing here.
Hi Lucy, it's good to see you again in our - alas almost lifeless - halls. I wish you a "Happy Birthday" and hope you'll have a great time entering your 3rd decade... --Walter
- Thanks! I'm much busier this year with schoolwork than I ever have been before, but I am hoping to be able to spend a little time here next semester.
I've been somewhat distracted by work, but now I think I'm back in a 'Tolkien mood' with the arrival of my new books (volumes 9-12 of History of Middle-earth) so hopefully I'll be contributing again shortly.
Yay! Six more days of classes, then a week of finals, and I'm done for the year! I've been very busy this semester, and am hoping to have much more time this summer to work on my projects here. We'll see if that actually happens . . .
- Do the terms end so early in the states? Here they usually end at the beginning of July (but then again they don't begin until Mid-September?). I guess I should check my projects too, I haven't done much Tolkien recently, except for reading John Garth's Tolkien and the Great War. In my spare time I have mostly busied myself digging deeper into the world of ancient myths, language, religion and history and I find it quite interesting to see Tolkien's mythology more "in context". On the other hand this has brought me somewhat "out of touch" with Tolkien's legendarium. I guess I need some catching up...
-- Walter
- When spring term ends varies from university to university; my brothers are already done for the year, but some of my friends go until mid-june. Generally we start fall term mid august to mid september, depending on when spring term lets out and the length of winter break (usually about a month).
My O my, time flies, in Austria you would've come of age as per today. Another year over, the next birthday to celebrate and we're rapidly approaching your second anniversary around here. Happy Birthday, Lucy, please have a wonderful day -- Walter
- Thanks! In the U.S., you get some priveleges when you turn 18, but I guess 21 is the more official coming of age. I just finished final exams for the semester this past monday, and was quite happy to be done before my birthday! I'm hoping to be able to work some more on my essay in progress during my break from school over the next three weeks or so.
My best wishes for your time at the college, may you have fun and success in fair shares.
The first part of the Aragorn essay Estel to Elessar looks great, btw. -- Walter
I'm sorry I missed it yesterday, but I hope you had a great time anyway. My talents in graphical arts are rather moderate, but I hope it will be the thought, that counts... -- Walter
- Thank you! I have older brothers and a sister who weren't home for my actual birthday, so I get to celebrate again next week! --Lucy