Dwarf, Son of Glóin.
- shirt of steel-rings
- a broad-bladed axe
Gimli was one of the members of the Fellowship that journeyed with Frodo to destroy the OneRing.
He also became an Elf-friend due to his relationships with Legolas and Galadriel
at the beginning of the Fourth Age he lead a group of dwarves to help rebuild MinasTirith and after he became Lord of the Glittering Halls at HelmsDeep.
As the appointed representative of Dwarf-kind to the Fellowship, Gimli bore the burden of addressing - if not redressing - each of the grievances suffered by Dwarves at the hands of Sauron's agents. Gimli travelled over Eregion, and observed the memory and the graves of Elves in the wrought stones below the ground. These were the Noldorin Eldar, the Dwarves' closest elven friends, and the elves most closely aligned with Aule the Smith, the patron of the Dwarves.
Gimli travelled into Moria, and there helped confront the monster at its gates, the orcs, and Durin's Bane. He served as an amateur ambassador to elf-kind, and travelled within sight of DolGuldur, where many dwarves lost their Rings of Power. He entered the lands of Men, served in their armies, and he saw the Glittering Caves of Aglarond. And he helped confront the voice of Saruman, a secret architect of many insults against his kind.
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