Golden Book
“The book of the Tales of Tavrobel.”
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The Golden Book was written by Eriol the Mariner in the House of the Hundred Chimneys – the house of Gilfanon in Tavrobel, before he was allowed by the Elves to drink the magical elvish drink limple that gave him an eternal youth.
The Golden Book covered the ancient history of Gods, Elves, and Men as it had been told to Eriol by the Elves of TolEressëa.
As however Eriol died later, his half elven son Heorrenda is said to have completed the tales in the book.
This book have I written using those writings that my father Waefre (whom the Gnomes named after the regions of his home Angol) did make in his sojourn in the holy isle in the days of the Elves, and much else have I added of those things which his eyes saw not afterward. | BoLT2 |
Yet, in those early writings, there is also a variant telling that Eriol was the one who completed all the stories in the book, sealed it and left it in Tavrobel – the place which later became the city where his son Heorrenda dwelled and preserved the writings.
And there …
… it lieth still to read for such as may. |
Lastly, an interesting entry in the Qenya dictionary may be mentioned
here: Parma Kuluinen 'the Golden Book - the collected book of legends,
especially of Ing and Earendel'.
But whatever the story about the Golden Book is ….
Have you recognized it?
It is The Book of Lost Tales, the forerunner of the later Silmarillion, preserved as a part of the Red Book of Westmarch.