Elf of Nargothrond, brother of Gelmir; enslaved in Angband, but escaped and aided Beleg in the resue of Túrin; brought Túrin to Nargothrond; loved Finduilas Orodreth's daughter, slain in the Battle of Tumhalad.
 | . . .the Elves were driven back and pressed by the ORcs into the field of Tumhalad, between Ginglith and Narog, and there they were penned. ON that day all the pride a nd host of Nargothrond withered away; and Orodreth was slain in the forefront of the battle, and Gwindor son of Guilin was wounded to the deat. But Túrin came to his aid, and all fled before him; and he bore Gwindor out of the rout, and escaping into a wood there laid him on the grass.
Then Gwindor said to Túrin: 'Let bearing pay for bearing! But ill-fated was mine, and vain is thine; for my body is marred beyond healing, and I must leave Middle-earth. And though I love thee, son of Húrin, yet I rue the day that I took thee from the Orcs. But for thy prowess and they pride, still I should have love and life, and Nargothrond should yet stand a while. Now if thou love me, leave me! Haste thee to Nargothrond, and save Finduilas. And this last I say to thee: she alone stands between thee and thy doom. If thou fail her, it shall not fail to find thee. Farewell!' | The Silmarillion |
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