Sindarin: south
The lands south of the river Harnen, south of the realms of Gondor and Mordor. Wild , barbarian lands. During Sauron's many wars, the brown-skinned men of Near Harad and the black-skinned men of Far Harad often came to fight for the Ring Lord against the Dúnedain. Harad was also called the Sunlands, Sutherland and Haradwaith. Its people were called the Haradrim or the Southrons.
The land itself was vast and hot with great deserts and forests stretching far into the unchartered lands in the south of Middle-earth. It was divided into numerous warrior kingdoms; some were primarily foot soldiers, others cavalry, and still others were mounted on the backs of the tusked Mûmakil, the giant ancestors of the elephants. One of the greatest ports of Harad was Umbar, the home of the sea-going Haradrim, known as the Corsairs of Umbar.
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