The third son of Eriol, born to him by an Elvish maiden - Naimi in TolEressëa. (according to BoLT2).
It is said in those early tales that :
Heorrenda had two brothers on part of his father – Hengest and Horsa – both sons of Eriol born to him in his first marriage to a mortal woman back in his country.
The tales tell that all the three brothers conquered back TolEressëa from the evil men and it became “England”.
They were not hostile to the Elves, and from them the English have 'the true tradition of the fairies'. Kortirion, ancient dwelling of the fairies, came to be known in the tongue of the English as Warwick; Hengest dwelt there, while Horsa dwelt at Taruithorn (Oxford) and Heorrenda at Tavrobel (Great Haywood). | BoLT2 |
The third of Eriol's sons, Heorrenda, is said to have had his 'capital' at
Great Haywood … and this is given the Qenya equivalents Tavaros(se)and Taurosse, and the Gnomish Tavrobel and Tavrost; also 'Englisc (i.e. Old English) Haegwudu se greata, Greata Haegwudu'. | BoLT2 |
Christopher Tolkien believes that the name of this place corresponds to the Staffordshire village where his parents lived in 1916 – 17.
It is believed that it was Heorrenda who completed the Golden Book.
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