John Ronald Reuel Tolkien / Bibliography
Bibliography |
1911 | Poem 'The Battle of the Eastern Field' in The King Edward's School Chronicle, Birmingham, Vol. XXVI No. 186, March, pp. 22-6. Reprinted in Mallorn, No. 12,1978, pp. 24-8. [Tolkien also contributed reports on meetings of the school debating society to the magazine, November 1910 to June 1911, and editorials to issues for June and July 1911.] |
1913 | Poem 'From the many-willow'd margin of the immemorial Thames' (signed 'J') in The Stapeldon Magazine, Vol. IV No. 20, December, p. 11. (Published for Exeter College by B. H. Blackwell, Oxford.) |
1915 | Poem 'Goblin Feet' in Oxford Poetry, 1915, edited by G. D. H. C[ole] and T. W. E[arp] (Oxford, B. H. Blackwell), pp. 64-5.
Reprinted in Oxford Poetry, 1914-1916 (Oxford, B. H. Blackwell, 1917), pp. 120-1; The Book of Fairy Poetry, edited by Dora Owen (London, Longmans, Green, 1920), pp. 177-8; and in several other anthologies. |
1918 | Introductory note (signed 'J.R.R.T.') in A Spring Harvest, poems by Geoffrey Bache Smith, late Lieutenant in Lancashire Fusiliers (London, Erskine Macdonald, 1918). [Tolkien and C. L. Wiseman edited this collection of Smith's poetry and helped to arrange for its publication.] |
1920 | Poem The Happy Mariners' (signed J.R.R.T.') in The Stapeldon Magazine, Vol. V No. 26, June, pp. 69-70. (Published for Exeter College by B. H. Blackwell, Oxford). |
1922 | A Middle English Vocabulary (Oxford, Clarendon Press), [Designed for use with 1921 edition of Kenneth Sisam's Fourteenth Century Verse & Prose, in subsequent editions of which it appears as glossary. It was also reprinted separately.]
Poem The Clerke's Compleinte' in The Gryphon, New Series, Vol. IV No. 3, December, p. 95. (Signed 'N.N.') |
1923 | Poem 'Iumonna Gold Galdre Bewunden' in The Gryphon, New Series, Vol. IV No. 4, January, p. 130 (Leeds University).
Review headed 'Holy Maidenhood', Times Literary Supplement, London, 26 April 1923, p. 281. [A review of Furnivall's E.E.T.S. edition of Hali Meidenhad. Unsigned but Tolkien's authorship established by reference in his diary.]
Poem, The City of the Gods' in The Microcosm, edited by Dorothy Una Ratcliffe, Vol. VIII No. 1, spring, p. 8. (Issued privately in Leeds.)
Obituary: 'Henry Bradley, 3 Dec., 1845-23 May, 1923' (signed J.R.R.T.), Bulletin of the Modern Humanities Research Association (London, Cambridge University Press), No. 20, October, pp. 4-5.
Poems 'The Eadigan Saelidan: The Happy Mariners' (revised from version in The Stapeldon Magazine, 1920), 'Why the Man in the Moon Came Down Too Soon' and 'Enigmata Saxonica Nuper Inventa Duo' in A Northern Venture: verses by members of the Leeds University English School Association, pp. 15-20 (Leeds, Swan Press).
Poem 'The Cat and the Fiddle: A Nursery-Rhyme? Undone and its Scandalous Secret Unlocked', in Yorkshire Poetry, Vol. II No. 19, October-November?, pp. 1-3 (Leeds, Swan Press). [An early version of poem in The Lord of the Rings, Book I Chapter 9, and in The Adventures of Tom Bombadil as 'The Man in the Moon Stayed Up Too Late'.] |
1924 | Poems 'An Evening in Tavrobel', 'The Lonely Isle' and The Princess Ni' in Leeds University Verse 1914-24 (Leeds, Swan Press), pp. 56-8.
Chapter on 'Philology: General Works' in The Year's Work in English Studies, Vol. IV, 1923, pp. 20-37 (London, Oxford University Press). |
1925 | 'Some Contributions to Middle-English? Lexicography'. The Review of English Studies, Vol. I No. 2, April, pp. 210-15 (London, Sidgwick & Jackson).
Poem 'Light as Leaf on Lindentree' in The Gryphon, New Series, Vol. VI No. 6. June, p. 217 (Leeds University). [An early version of poem in The Lord of the Rings, Book I Chapter 11.
Reprinted in The Lays of Beleriand, pp. 108-10, incorporated in 'The Lay of the Children of Húrin'.]
'The Devil's Coach-Horses?,' The Review of English Studies, Vol. 1 No. 3, July, pp. 331-6 (London, Sidgwick & Jackson).
Sir Gawain & the Green Knight, edited by J. R. R. Tolkien and E. V. Gordon (Oxford, Clarendon Press). Reprinted many times. Second edition, revised by Norman Davis, Oxford, 1967; issued as paperback, 1968. |
1926 | Chapter on 'Philology: General Works' in The Year's Work in English Studies, Vol. V, 1924, pp. 26-65 (London, Oxford University Press). |
1927 | Poem 'The Nameless Land' in Realities: An Anthology of Verse, edited by G. S. Tancred, pp. 24-5 (Leeds, Swan Press; London, Gay & Hancock).
Poems 'Adventures in Unnatural History and Medieval Metres, being the Freaks of Fisiologus' (signed 'Fisiologus') in The Stapeldon Magazine, Vol. VII No. 40, pp. 123-7 (published for Exeter College by B. H. Blackwell, Oxford).
Chapter on 'Philology: General Works' in The Year's Work in English Studies, Vol. VI, 1925, pp. 32-66 (London, Oxford University Press). |
1928 | Foreword to A New Glossary of the Dialect of the Huddersfield District by Walter E. Haigh (London, Oxford University Press). |
1929 | 'Ancrene Wisse and Hali Meiõhad', Essays and Studies by members of the English Association, Vol. XIV, pp. 104-26 (Oxford, Clarendon Press). |
1930 | 'The Oxford English School', The Oxford Magazine, Vol. XLVIII No. 21, May, pp. 278-80, 782 (Oxford, Oxonian Press). [An article proposing a reformed syllabus.] |
1931 | Poem 'Progress in Bimble Town' (signed 'K. Bagpuize') in The Oxford Magazine, Vol. L No. 1, October, p. 22 (Oxford, Oxonian Press). |
1932 | Appendix I: 'The Name "Nodens" ', Report on the Excavation of the Prehistoric, Roman, and Post-Roman? Sites in Lydney Park, Gloucestershire, Reports of Research Committee of Society of Antiquaries of London, No. IX (1932), pp. 132-7 (London, Oxford University Press).
'Sigelwara Land': Part I, Medium Aevum 1,(December), pp. 183-96 (Oxford, Basil Blackwell). |
1933 | Poem 'Errantry' in The Oxford Magazine, Vol. LII No. 5, November, p. 180 (Oxford, Oxonian Press). [An early version of poem of the same title in The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.] |
1934 | Poem 'Firiel' in The Chronicle (Roehampton, Convent of Sacred Heart), Vol. IV, pp. 30-2. [An early version of 'The Last Ship' in The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.]
Poem 'Looney' in The Oxford Magazine, Vol. LII No. 9, January, p. 340 (Oxford, Oxonian Press). [An early version of 'The Sea-bell' in The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.]
Poem 'The Adventures of Tom Bombadil' in The Oxford Magazine, Vol. LII No. 13, February, pp. 464-5 (Oxford, Oxonian Press). [An early version of poem of same title in The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.]
'Sigelwara Land': Part II, Medium Aevum 3 (June), pp. 95-111 (Oxford, Basil Blackwell).
Chaucer as a Philologist: The Reeve's Tale', Transactions of the Philological Society (1934), pp. 1-70 (London, David Nutt). |
1936 | Songs for the Philologists, J. R. R. Tolkien, E. V. Gordon and others (privately printed in Department of English, University College, London). [A collection of humorous verses originally circulated in typescript at Leeds University. Verses are unsigned but Tolkien was author of 'From One to Five', 'Syx Mynet', 'Ruddoc Hana', 'Ides Ælfscyne', 'Bagme Bloma', 'Eadig Beo pu', 'Ofer Widne Garsecg', 'La Huru', 'I Sat Upon a Bench', 'Natura Apis', 'The Root of the Boot' (early version of 'The Stone Troll'), 'Frenchmen Froth' and 'Lit and Lang'.] |
1937 | Poem 'The Dragon's Visit' in The Oxford Magazine, Vol. LV No. 11, February, p. 342 (Oxford, Oxonian Press). Reprinted in Winter's Tales for Children: 1, 1965.
Poem 'Knocking at the Door: Lines induced by sensations when waiting for an answer at the door of an Exalted Academic Person' (signed 'Oxymore') in The Oxford Magazine, Vol. LV No. 13, February, p. 403 (Oxford, Oxonian Press). [Original version of 'The Mewlips'.]
Poem 'Iumonna Gold Galdre Bewunden' in The Oxford Magazine, Vol. LV No. 15, March, p. 473 (Oxford, Oxonian Press). [Revised from version in The Gryphon, 1923. Further revised as 'The Hoard' in The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.]
'Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics', Proceedings of the British Academy, 22 (1936), pp. 245-95 (London, Oxford University Press). Reprinted by OUP, Oxford, 1958. Reprinted in USA in An Anthology of Beowulf Criticism, edited by Lewis E. Nicholson (University of Notre Dame Press, 1963) and in The Beowulf Poet, edited by Donald K. Fry (New Jersey, Prentice-Hall?, 1968).
The Hobbit: or There and Back Again (London, George Allen & Unwin). Four colour plates were added for second impression. Second edition 1951, third edition 1966; reprinted many times. First USA edition (Boston, Houghton Mifflin) 1938. |
1938 | Letter about The Hobbit, Observer, London, 20 February. [Tolkien wrote in reply to letter published in that newspaper on 16 January.] Reprinted in Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, pp. 30-2. |
1940 | Preface to Beowulf and the Finnesburg Fragment: A Translation into Modern English Prose by John R. Clark Hall, revised by C. L. Wrenn (London, George Allen & Unwin). New edition 1950. |
1944 | Sir Orfeo (Oxford, Academic Copying Office). (Unsigned; edition prepared by Tolkien for wartime Naval Cadets' course at Oxford.) |
1945 | 'Leaf by Niggle', The Dublin Review, 432 (January), pp. 46-61. (London, Burns Oates & Washbourne).
Letter 'The name Coventry' in The Catholic Herald, 23 February, p. 2. [Reply to letter by 'H.D.' published on 9 February.]
'The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun', The Welsh Review, Vol. IV No. 4, December, pp. 254-66 (Cardiff, Penmark Press). |
1947 | '"Ipplen" in Sawles Warde', English Studies, Vol. XXVIII No. 6, December, pp. 168-70 (Amsterdam, Swets & Zeitlinger). (In collaboration with S. R. T. O. d'Ardenne.)
'On Fairy-Stories?', Essays Presented to Charles Williams, edited by C. S. Lewis, pp. 38-89 (London, Oxford University Press). First USA edition (Grand Rapids, Michigan, William B. Eerdmans) 1966. |
1948 | 'MS Bodley 34: A re-collation of a collation'. Studia Neophilologica, Vol. XX, 1947-8, pp. 65-72 (Uppsala). (In collaboration with S. R. T. O. d'Ardenne.) |
1949 | Farmer Giles of Ham (London, George Allen & Unwin). Second edition 1976, first USA edition (Boston, Houghton Mifflin) 1950; second USA edition 1978. |
1953 | 'A Fourteenth-Century? Romance', Radio Times, London, 4 December. [Foreword to BBC Third Programme broadcasts of Tolkien's translation of 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight'.]
'The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son', Essays and Studies, New Series, Vol. VI, pp. 1-18 (London, John (Murray).
'Middle English "Losenger"', Essais de Philologie Moderne, 1951, pp. 63-76 (Bibliotheque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l'Université de Liège, fasc. 129, Paris: Les Belles Lettres). |
1954 | The Fellowship of the Ring: being the first part of The Lord of the Rings (London, George Allen & Unwin).
The Two Towers: being the second part of The Lord of the Rings (London, George Allen & Unwin). |
1955 | The Return of the King: being the third part of The Lord of the Rings (London, George Allen & Unwin). Second edition of all three volumes, 1966. First USA edition (Boston, Houghton Mifflin), Vol.I 1954, Vols II & III 1955; second USA edition 1967. Ace Books edition. New York, 1965. Ballantine Books edition. New York, 1965.
Poem 'Imram' in Time and Tide, London, Vol. XXXVI No. 49, 3 December, p. 1561. [Appeared in unpublished MS The Notion Club Papers as 'The Death of St. Brendan'.]
Preface to The Ancrene Riwle, translated into Modern English by M. B. Salu (London, Burns & Oates, 1955).
Prefatory note to The Old English Apollonius of Tyre, edited by Peter Goolden, p. iii (London, Oxford University Press, 1958). |
1960 | Letter to Triode, No. 18, May. [Comments on article by Arthur K. Weir in previous issue.] |
1962 | The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and other verses from The Red Book (London, George Allen & Unwin; Boston, Houghton Mifflin). Reprinted. Second USA edition 1978.
Ancrene Wisse: The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle, edited from MS. Corpus Christi College Cambridge 402, Early English Text Society No. 249, introduction by N. R. Ker (London, Oxford University Press). |
1963 | 'English and Welsh', Angles and Britons: O'Donnell Lectures, pp. 1-41 (Cardiff, University of Wales Press). Distributed in USA by Verry, Lawrence, 1963. |
1964 | Tree and Leaf (London, George Allen & Unwin). [A slightly revised version of 'On Fairy-Stories?' and 'Leaf by Niggle'.] Second edition 1975. First USA edition (Boston, Houghton Mifflin) 1965. |
1965 | Poems 'Once Upon a Time' and 'The Dragon's Visit' in Winter's Tales for Children: I, edited by Caroline Hillier, pp. 44-5, 84-7 (London, Macmillan; New York, St Martin's Press). Reprinted in The Young Magicians, edited by Lin Carter, pp. 254-62 (New York, Ballantine Books, 1969). [The second poem is revised from the version in The Oxford Magazine, 1937.] |
1966 | 'Tolkien on Tolkien', Diplomat, Vol. XVIII No. 197, October, p. 39. [Brief account of Tolkien's life and motives as a writer, taken from statement prepared for his publishers.]
Contribution as translator to The Jerusalem Bible (London, Carton, Longman & Todd; New York, Doubleday). [Tolkien is named as an editor but his only contribution was to make an original draft of translation of Book of Jonah, which was extensively revised by other hands before publication.]
The Tolkien Reader (New York, Ballantine Books). [A reprint in one volume of 'The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth', 'On Fairy-Stories?', 'Leaf by Niggle', 'Farmer Giles of Ham' and 'The Adventures of Tom Bombadil'.] |
1967 | Smith of Wootton Major (London, George Allen & Unwin). Second edition 1975. New paperback edition 1983. First USA edition (Boston, Houghton Mifflin) 1967; second USA edition 1978.
Poem 'For W. H. A.' in Shenandoah: The Washington and Lee University Review, Vol. XVIII No. 2, winter, pp. 96-7. [Poem in Anglo-Saxon with modern English translation in honour of the sixtieth birthday of W. H. Auden.]
The Road Goes Ever On: A Song Cycle. Poems by J. R. R. Tolkien set to music by Donald Swann (Boston, Houghton Mifflin). First UK edition (London, George Allen & Unwin) 1968. Reissued New York, Ballantine Books, 1969. Second edition, London, 1978, adding 'Bilbo's Last Song', a new foreword and notes. Second USA edition, Boston, 1978. [At time of first publication, Caedmon Records issued LP (TC 1231) entitled Poems and Songs of Middle Earth, on which William Elvin sings Swann's settings of Tolkien's poems, with composer at piano, and Tolkien reads some of his own verse.] |
1969 | Smith of Wootton Major and Farmer Giles of Ham, with illustrations by Pauline Baynes (New York, Ballantine Books). [A reprint in one volume.]
Letter describing origins of Inklings in The Image of Man in C. S. Lewis by William Luther White, pp. 221-2 (Nashville & New York, Abingdon Press). Reprinted in UK by Hodder & Stoughton 1970. Letter reprinted in Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, pp. 387-8. |
1971 | Passage in Attacks of Taste, compiled and edited by Evelyn B. Byrne and Otto M. Penzler, p. 43 (New York, Gotham Book Mart). [Tolkien describes reading habits as young man.] |
1972 | Letter 'Beautiful Place because Trees are Loved', Daily Telegraph, 4 July, p. 16. [About forests in Middle-earth, in response to editorial of 29 June.] Reprinted in Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, pp. 419-20.)
Calendar containing Tolkien drawings issued by Ballantine Books. In 1973 Allen & Unwin and Ballantine issued calendars using same illustrations. In 1975, 1976, 1977 and 1978 Allen & Unwin issued calendars using further drawings by Tolkien. Several of the drawings have also been issued as posters and postcards. The calendar art is reprinted in Pictures by J. R. R. Tolkien, 1979. |
1974 | Poem 'Bilbo's Last Song' published in poster form, with decorations by Pauline Baynes (London, George Allen & Unwin). Poem was also published as poster with photographic background by Houghton Mifflin. |
1975 | 'Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings', A Tolkien Compass, edited by Jared Lobdell, pp. 153-201 (La Salle, Illinois, Open Court). [Notes on nomenclature in story, originally written for guidance of translators.]
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, and Sir Orfeo, translated into modern English; edited and with a preface by Christopher Tolkien (London, George Allen & Unwin; Boston, Houghton Mifflin). [During 1975 Caedmon Records issued two LPs (TC 1477 and 1478) on which Tolkien reads from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings; these recordings were made by George Sayer at Malvern in August 1952.]
Tree and Leaf, Smith of Wootton Major, The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth reprinted in one volume; Farmer Giles of Ham, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil reprinted in one volume (London, George Allen & Unwin).
Letter in Mythlore, Vol. Ill No. 2, Whole No. 10, p. 19. [Letter of 17 November 1957 to Dr Herbert Schiro, included in article by Glen Goodknight. Tolkien comments that The Lord of the Rings 'is about Death and the desire for deathlessness'.] Reprinted in part in Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, p. 262. |
1976 | The Father Christmas Letters, edited by Baillie Tolkien (London, George Allen & Unwin; Boston, Houghton Mifflin). |
1977 | The Silmarillion, edited by Christopher Tolkien (London, George Allen & Unwin; Boston, Houghton Mifflin). Limited edition 1982. [In 1977 and 1978 Caedmon Records issued two recordings by Christopher Tolkien reading selections from The Silmarillion: Of Beren and Lúthien (TC 1564) and Of the Darkening of Valinor and of the Flight of the Noldor (TC 1579).]
Drawings by Tolkien, catalogue of exhibition at Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 14 December 1976 - 27 February 1977, and at National Book League, London, 2 March - 7 April 1977. |
1978 | Drawing, 'The Lonely Mountain', reproduced in The Tolkien Scrapbook, edited by Alida Becker (New York, Grosset & Dunlap),pp. 114-15. |
1979 | Pictures by J. R. R. Tolkien, foreword and notes by Christopher Tolkien (London, George Allen & Unwin; Boston, Houghton Mifflin). [A collection of paintings and drawings previously published in calendars and books.]
'Valedictory Address to the University of Oxford, 5 June 1959', in J. R. R. Tolkien, Scholar and Storyteller, edited by Mary Salu and Robert T. Farrell (Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press), pp. 16-32. |
1980 | Poems and Stories (London, George Allen & Unwin). [Reprints with old and new illustrations by Pauline Baynes of 'The Adventures of Tom Bombadil', 'The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth, Beorhthelm's Son', 'On Fairy-Stories?', 'Leaf by Niggle', 'Farmer Giles of Ham' and 'Smith of Wootton Major'.]
Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth, edited by Christopher Tolkien (London, George Allen & Unwin; Boston, Houghton Mifflin). |
1981 | Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, edited by Humphrey Carpenter with assistance of Christopher Tolkien (London, George Allen & Unwin; Boston, Houghton Mifflin).
The Old English Exodus, text, translation and commentary by J. R. R. Tolkien, edited by Joan Turville-Petre? (Oxford, Clarendon Press). |
1982 | Mr Bliss (London, George Allen & Unwin; Boston, Houghton Mifflin). [Reproduced from Tolkien's illustrated MS.]
Finn and Hengest: The Fragment and the Episode, edited by Alan Bliss (London, George Allen & Unwin; Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1983). |
1983 | The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays, edited by Christopher Tolkien (London, George Allen & Unwin; Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1984).
The Book of Lost Tales, Part I, edited by Christopher Tolkien (London, George Allen & Unwin; Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1984). |
1984 | The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, edited by Christopher Tolkien (London, George Allen & Unwin; Boston, Houghton Mifflin). Reissued in paperback 1986. |
1985 | The Lays of Beleriand, edited by Christopher Tolkien (London, George Allen & Unwin; Boston, Houghton Mifflin). |
1986 | The Shaping of Middle-earth, edited by Christopher Tolkien (London, George Allen & Unwin; Boston, Houghton Mifflin). |
1987 | The Lost Road and Other Writings, edited by Christopher Tolkien (Unwin Hyman Ltd) |
1988 | The Return of the Shadow, edited by Christopher Tolkien (Unwin Hyman Ltd) |
1989 | The Treason of Isengard, edited by Christopher Tolkien (Unwin Hyman Ltd) |
1990 | The War of the Ring, edited by Christopher Tolkien (Unwin Hyman Ltd) |
1992 | Sauron Defeated, edited by Christopher Tolkien (HarperCollins Publishers Ltd) |
1993 | Morgoth 's Ring, edited by Christopher Tolkien (HarperCollins Publishers Ltd) |
1994 | The War of the Jewels, edited by Christopher Tolkien (HarperCollins Publishers Ltd) |
1996 | The Peoples of Middle-earth, edited by Christopher Tolkien (HarperCollins Publishers Ltd) |
1998 | Roverandom, edited by Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond (HarperCollins Publishers Ltd) |
2002 | Beowulf and the Critics, edited by Michael D.C. Drout (Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies) |