Also known as "Shadow of the East" and "The Black Easterling."
Nazgūl, second-in-command to the Witch-king. In 2951 he became Sauron's lieutenant at Dol Guldur, where he dwelt thereafter with one or two of his companions. On the 22nd of July, 3018, he met the remaining Nazgūl on the Field of Celebrant; he informed the Witch-king that the former homes of the Stoors had been abandoned, as far as he knew, but the BlackRiders were counselled to search the Vale of Anduin for the land of the Halflings in any case.
Khamūl was the Black Rider who interviewed Ham Gamgee, pursued the hobbits to Stock, interrogated Farmer Maggott, and almost captured the hobbits at Bucklebury Ferry. Of all the Nazgūl, his power said to be the most diminished by sunlight.
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