Lúthien was the daughter of Elu Thingol and Melian the Maia
She was said to be the most beautiful of Ilúvatar's children.
She fell in love with Beren, which displeased Thingol and he sent Beren on the quest for the Silmaril to prove his worthiness.
From the Lay of Leithian:
Her long hair as a cloud was streaming
about her arms uplifted gleaming,
as slow above the trees the Moon
in glory of the plenilune
arose, and on the open glade
is light serene and clear was laid.
Then suddenly her feet were stilled,
and through the woven wood there thrilled,
half wordless, half in elven-tongue,
her voice upraised in blissful song
that once of nightingales she learned
and in her living joy had turned
to heart-enthralling loveliness,
unmarred, immortal, sorrowless.
Ir Ithil ammen Eruchín
menel-vîr síla díriel
si loth a galadh lasto dîn!
A Hîr Annűn gilthoniel,
le linnon im Tinúviel!
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