The beginning of a collection...
Primary Literature |  |
Eastern Tradition
- The Epic of Gilgamesh (transl. by Andrew George)
- Mahabharata (incl. the Bhagavad Gita)
Western Tradition
- The Iliad (Homer)
- The Odyssey (Homer)
- Edda (the 'Poetic Edda')
- Edda (Snorri Sturluson; the 'Prose Edda')
- The Kalevala (Elias Lönnrot)
Collections of Myths (and Legends) |  |
- Myths from Mesopotamia (Creation, The Flood, Gilgamesh, And Others; transl. by Stephanie Dalley)
- Myths of the World (Michael Jordan)
- Creation Myths of America (Jeremiah Curtin)
- Norse Myths (Kevin Crossley-Holland)
- Beowulf (e.g. the dual language edition transl. by Howell Chickering, Jr.)
- Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
- Mabinogion
Analytical and Critical Works, Interpretations |  |
- Greek Mythology (Robert Graves)
- Deutsche Mythologie (Jakob Grimm; 3 Volumes, only available in German; Grimm's interpretations are at times a little far-fetched, but the books represent still one of the most complete references of German mythology; English transl. by J.S. Stallybrass: Teutonic Mythology)
- Teutonic Mythology (Viktor Rydberg; transl. by R.B. Anderson)
- The Golden Bough (James G. Frazer; a fundamental analysis of myths and their functions, originally in 1890 two volumes, later 1906-15 expanded to 12 volumes, but eventually in 1922 abbreviated to one volume)
- Mythology of the British Isles (Geoffrey Ashe)
- The White Godess (Robert Graves; a much disputed book, not the least because of its many cross-references to classical and hebrew myths)
- The Masks of God (Joseph Campbell; 4 Volumes)
- The Encyclopedia of Mythology: Classical, Celtic, Norse (Arthur Cotterell)
For more information about Tolkien's sources and influences see also: TolkiensSources
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