Tolkien, like any author, is a fractal. If we can capture his generator, we could simulate infinite Tolkien-style content.
Capturing the generator is left as an exercize for the student...
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Please forgive me for butting into your work on FAQ/{How did Sauron lose the ring}? I let myself get carryed away mostly I just fixed up the links and filled in some blanks. sorry. DougCreller
Welcome to all who get deleted here.
PhlIp, I like the way you tell your stories and make your points. Thank you. I only have trouble with your name "PhlIp". Is there a story too? -- HelmutLeitner
No. It's short for "Philip". Thanks for liking my stories. (But remember, guys - these are just books!)
Thanks for the hint about the Book of Mazarbul, Philip, I hadn't noticed that "slip" before. Please feel free to just delete evidently erroneous statements whenever you come across one. -- Walter
Noope. I don't have a scrap of T's writings around me, so I can't check the "canon". We'l use "IIRC" for these situations.
Thanks for the hint, I corrected that statement. When I wrote the Galadriel page (last August), I simply had taken this information from Fosters CompleteGuide, without much further thought. I have now tried to give some further explanation of this somehow curious issue. -- Walter