Quendi and Eldar
Christopher Tolkien dates this essay to 1959-60.
- “Enquiry into the Elvish names for Elves and their various clans and divisions: with Appendices on their names for the other Incarnates: Men, Dwarves, and Orcs; and on their analysis of their own language, Quenya: with a note on the 'Language of the Valar. ”
Though the essay is linguistic, it is a wonderful read for non-linguists, being full of historical information found nowhere else. Because of this wonderful blend of history and language, one may find a new appreciation for the degee to which the two were entwined.
The body of the essay and most of the appendices can be found in HoMeXI, but a portion of one was published in HoMeX. Following the essay, Christopher Tolkien gives as appendix Cuivienyarna 'Legend of the Awakening of the Quendi'.
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