Red Arrow
The token that the Stewards of Gondor sent to the Kings of Rohan
in times of war or need.
He was clad as a rider with a cloak of dark green over a coat of fine mail; on the front of his helm was wrought a small silver star. In his hand he bore a single arrow, black-feathered and barbed with steel, but the point was painted red.
He sank on one knee and presented the arrow to Théoden. "Hail, Lord of the Rohirrim, friend of Gondor!" he said. "Hirgon I am, errand-rider of Denethor, who bring you this token of war. Gondor is in great need, Often the Rohirrim have aided us, but now the Lord Denethor asks for all your strength and all your speed, lest Gondor fall at last."
"The Red Arrow!" said Théoden, holding it, as one who receives a summons long expected and yet dreadful when it comes. | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The Muster of Rohan |
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