A being, the master of the OldForest and the endless enigma in the LotR...
Other Names are:
Read also The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.
See also FAQ/Who is Tom Bombadil
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As a literary device, Tom appears at the first darkest moment of FotR. The Hobbits are alone, in a forest full of roused evil spirits, and without rangers, wizards, dwarves or Noldor to guide them. Dark cloaked beings are hunting high and low for them, within a few leagues.
Tolkien rescues them with a being out of time; a being unaffected by evil, and a living nursery rhyme. His purely Chaotic Good behaviors give them hope, a fog on their departure, and short swords forged by the smiths of Arnor.
But yet, though Tom's behavior remains random and goofy, he is a Maiar-type spirit; a participant in the GreatSong?. His random acts set the Hobbits on the right course against Tom's fallen peer, Sauron. -- PhlIp
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