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Coastal region and city-state in Haradwaith.
The greatest coastal port in Harad, during the Second and third Age. The name Umbar referred to the city, port, fortress, cape and surrounding coastal lands. It was a large natural harbor which by the second millenium of the Second Age had become the Númenórean's chief port in Middle-earth. In the year 3261 of the SecondAge, the Númenórean's raised a mighty fleet which landed in Umbar to contest Sauron's power, but after the destruction of Númenór those of that race in Umbar fell under Sauron's power. These people became known as the BlackNúmenoreans and they often led the powerful fleets of Umbar against the Dúnedain of Gondor, particularily those in the rival port of Pelargir.
In the tenth century of the ThirdAge, kings of Gondor attacked Umbar and broke the sea power of the BlackNúmenoreans and took possession of port, city and territories. Umbar became a part of the kingdom of Gondor until the civil war and revolt in 1448 (T.A.), when rebel forces and Haradrim allies took possession of the port and separated it from Gondor.
In 1810. Gondor briefly captured the port and city, but it was soon regained by the Haradrim. Once again the black ships, or dromonds, of Umbar were on the waters raiding the coast, and these people who were called the Corsairs of Umbar became the terror of the seas. In anticipation of the rising power of Sauron, Aragorn II in 2980 led a raiding party inot Umbar's port and burned a large part of its fleet.
During the War of the Ring, the Corsairs attacked Pelargir, but were devastatingly defeated by Aragorn and the Dead Men of Dunharrow. The Corsairs were forced to sue for peace and, during the Fourth Age, Umbar was controlled by the Dúnedain kings of the Reunited Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor.
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For a more comprehensive history of Umbar, see "The third Realm in Exile" at Lalaith's Middle-earth Science Pages.
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