There are hundreds of thousands of pages written in the attempt to better understand one of the greatest minds of our contemporary times - J.R.R.Tolkien.
Each critic, each scholar or historian or a linguist who has researched his writings has discovered a whole universe there - complex, vast, fascinating, full of wisdom, thus challenging the flight of the human mind ...
I am far from being a scholar! But I feel the challenge! And I wish to experience it fully by speaking about it openly.
For this I have chosen a series of essyas under one and the same common title: Unconventional Tolkien.
I will try to present my own perceptions of what I have found and am still finding in the mythical worlds of Tolkien.
Some may call my views irrational, some – subjective and yet others – a folly.Who knows?! Some may even blame me for being ignorant!
In any case, I here present my personal views on some events, notions, issues, characters from the imaginary world of Tolkien, without claiming these to be some sort of a profound scholar research.
I like calling it an unconventional point of view.
A list of essays:
- Unconventional Tolkien/Understanding Tolkien
- {/The Children or the Jewel}?
- Are we guests in this world?
- How bad are the Bad and how good are the Good in Tolkien’s worlds?
- Feanor – a saint or evil?
Comments | |
What a wonderful idea, Ross, do you want others to maybe post their own essays here too, or would you like to have this page all to yourself? -- Walter
- Hey! Do I look like an egoist? Of course, I'd appreciate anybody else's contributions! I'd be over-happy to read other unconventional minds! Besides, I have sth. very special on my mind about this activity, but ....not now... All in its time...All in its time!...
Meanwhile, I'd suggest all that are interested in developing this activity to include in the above list of essays their "projects". Also, I very much expect some comments and discussions to be held after each of the published on TW essays. I am sure these will be quite an interesting reading themselves! --LR
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