Wiki User Name

The name you choose within the TolkienWiki and which is stored in the Preferences. There must be at least 2 caps in it (e.g. JohnSmith?). Most members here use their real name within the Wiki and unlike other Wikis where this is a must, I feel we should not be so restrictive. However, since this Wiki is a place with "real" information provided by "real" Tolkien enthusiasts, I would like to encourage every new member to use his real name if possible.

Furthermore I would like to ask, that you do not choose a WikiUserName, which represents an (actual or possible) pagename within the TolkienWiki Compendium (e.g. BilboBaggins, GandalfTheGrey) - not even when the charactername is "obscured" with a CamelCase? (e.g. FrodO, ErEndis).

Creating your own Memberpage would not be possible in this case and that would be just one of the problems that can arise in the future when many members choose the names of Tolkien-characters as a Membername.

-- WalterCharzewski

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(C) The Tolkien Wiki Community last changed on June 17, 2004