What are Hobbits?
To answer this question we must go back in time to an unspecified time in the early 1930's. Professor Tolkien wrote on a sheet of loose-leaf paper; "In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit."
He did not know at the time what they were but he soon discovered.
Hobbits are, or were, a race of people that are similar to Men, and may be closely related.
Hobbits are a small people, adults range from a height of 3 feet to 5 feet tall. Men of the Third Age called them Halflings because of this.
Hobbits have no beards and tend to have thick curly brown hair on their heads, of course as with everything there are exceptions.
The most defining feature about Hobbits is their feet which are relatively large compared to the rest of them. They have thick leathery soles, and on the tops of their feet is a thick growth of curly hair (such as on their heads). This has made the job of cobbler almost entirely useless to a Hobbit.
Hobbits as a race are known to be a quiet and stealthy people whenever danger is about. They are also known to be very accurate thowing stones.
For more indepth information see: Hobbit
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