Fords of Isen
(redirection from Athrad Angren)
The Isen came down swiftly from its sources above Isengard, but in the flat land of the Gap it became slow until it turned west; then it flowed on through country falling by long slopes down into the low-lying coast-lands of the furthest Gondo and the Enedwaith. Just above this westward bend was the Fords of Isen. There the river was broad and shallow, passing in two arms about a large eyot, over a stony shelf covered with stones and pebbles. Only here, south of Isengard, was it possible for large forces, especially those heavily armed or mounted, to cross the river. | Unfinished Tales, The Battles of the Fords of Isen |
The Fords of Isen was located almost in the middle of the Gap of Rohan, some 15 miles northwest of the mouth of the Deeping-coomb, and some 30 miles south of Isengard. From the Fords of Isen to Edoras, the distance was some 135 miles by the road.
Isen = Sindar: (Sîr) Angren.
Fords of Isen = Sindar: Ethraid Engrin (plural), also AthradAngren (singular).
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