Heren Istarion
(redirection from Order of Wizards)
The 'Order of Wizards', another name for Istari, mentioned only in the Unfinished Tales:
Wizard is a translation of Quenya istar (Sindarin ithron): one of the members of an "order" (as they call it), claiming to possess, and exhibiting, eminent knowledge of the history and nature the World. The translation (through suitable in its relation to "wise" and other ancient words of knowing, similar to that of istar in Quenya) is not perhaps happy, since Heren Istarion or "Order of Wizards" was quite distinct from "wizards" and "magicians" of later legend; they belonged solely to the Third Age and then departed, and none save maybe Elrond, Círdan and Galadriel discovered of what kind they were or whence they came. | Unfinished Tales - "The Istari" |
See: Istari
Ann: heren for 'order' appears a bit curious to me, as it is otherwise translated with 'fortune (=governance)' in the Etymologies (stem: KHER). Can someone lighten that up, maybe? -- Walter
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