Tolkiens Sources
(redirection from Tolkiens Sources)
Tolkien's Sources and Influences |  |
This compilation is based on JRR Tolkien-A Biography (by H. Carpenter), the The Letters of JRR Tolkien (by H. Carpenter), The History of Middle-earth (by J.R.R. Tolkien & C. Tolkien)) and T. Shippey's books The Road to Middle-earth and JRR Tolkien-Author of the Century.
Old English Poems |  |
- Beowulf
- The Ruin, The Wanderer and The Battle of Maldon
- Maxims I and II
- Solomon and Saturn II
- Exodus
- Finn and Hengest
- The Poetic (or Older) Edda
- The Prose (or Younger) Edda (of Snorri Sturluson)
- Richard Wagner: Der Ring des Nibelungen
- The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise
Ballads, Fairy Tales & Folklore |  |
- Grimm's Fairy Tales (coll. by Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm)
- Popular Tales from the Norse (coll. by P.C. Asbjörnsen & J.I: Moe, extant in various translations, the most popular probably by G.W. Dasent)
- English Fairy Tales (by Joseph Jacobs)
- Popular Tales of the Western Highlands (by J.F. Campbell)
- The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (by F. J. Child)
- Danmarks gamle Folkeviser (Svend Grundtvig et al.)
Tolkien most probably was also familiar with some American tales.
Medieval Poems and Tales |  |
- Pearl, Sir Gawain and Sir Orfeo.
- Ancrene Riwle (or Ancrene Wisse)
- Brut (by Lazamon)
- Mandeville's Travels
- Lays of Marie de France
Celtic & Irish Myths |  |
- Imram, The Voyage of Bran Son of Febal
Other Mythologies |  |
- Kalevala; a finnish mythology
- Old Testament, especially the Genesis.
- Illiad & Odyssey
Analytical, Critical and Historical Works |  |
- Tacitus' Germania
- Jacob Grimm: Deutsche Mythologie (transl. By J.S. Stallybrass: Teutonic Mythology)
- Lowry C. Wimberly: Folklore in the English and Scottish Ballads
- R. W. Chambers: Widsith, A Study in Old English Heroic Legend
- R. M. Wilson: The Lost Literature of Medieval England
- Gibbon: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- Saxo Grammaticus: History of the Danes
- The Gothic History of Jordanes
- Sir Charles Oman: A History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages
Late 19th Century & Contemporary Works |  |
- George MacDonald:
- The Princess and the Goblin,
- The Princess and Curdie
- Phantastes and
- Lilith
- William Morris:
- The House of the Wolfings,
- The Roots of the Mountains and
- The Glittering Plain
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