If you do not find a question, which you would like to have answered, here, please feel free to post it in the QuestionsAndAnswers page.
Disclaimer: Some of the answers in this FAQ section have been provided by members of The Tolkien Forum (www.thetolkienforum.com), each contributor is credited on the respective page.
FAQ The Hobbit |  |
FAQ Lord of the Rings |  |
FAQ Gandalf and Wizards |  |
FAQ Aragorn |  |
FAQ Silmarillion |  |
FAQ Tolkien |  |
FAQ Miscellaneous |  |
Proposed Questions |  |
If you have a question that you think should be added to the FAQ feel free to add it to the list on this page:
Links |  |
- Tolkien Meta FAQ FAQ compiled at rec.arts.books.tolkien
- Tolkien FAQ This page contains the links to a list of popular FAQs compiled in the 1990s (with contributions of some well-known Tolkien scholars) and maintained by William D.B. Loos.
- The Tolkien Forum This site does not seem to be related to thetolkienforum.com.
Comments and Suggestions |  |