(M ??)
(I 337 – I ??)
Adan of the House of Marach and son of Imlach was a dissenter of the Edain of Estolad. He spoke out against the union of Eldar and the Edain, stating that Morgoth would seek to assail the Eldar, who made constant war upon him.
During a council of the Men of Estolad of I 365, Amlach was seen to stand among the folk gathered and deliver a warning that Elves were the source of their fear, woe and peril. The Men who were gathered had a shadow of fear upon their hearts and were resolved to depart from the lands of the Eldar when Amlach returned among them. Questioned about his words to the group, he denied all knowledge of the words he was claimed to have said. It became apparent to all that a servant of Morgoth had impersonated Amlach and that Morgoth did indeed walk among them.
Amlach himself repented of his own part in dissention, seeking retribution from Morgoth for his part saying; 'I have now a quarrel of my own with this Master of Lies, which will last to my life's end.' At this, he went to the north and entered the service of Maedhros.
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