A Giant Spider of the race of Ungoliant and the Guardian of CirithUngol.
She befriended Gollum, who lured Frodo and Sam to her.
She poisioned Frodo, then was wounded by Sam who wielded Sting.
The Two Trees produced the light that the Silmarils captured. Ungoliant poisoned the trees, so the only light left as close as possible to the Trees became the Silmarils themselves. Eärendil took a Silmaril into the Heavens and became the Evening Star. Galadriel captured that light into the Phial of Galadriel, one of the "queens gifts to departing errants" that she gave to Frodo.
On the mountain pass leading to CirithUngol, Sam pointed out to Frodo "we've got a little bit of that light with us". The tales go ever on.
Frodo and Samwise, in the next chapter, then used that light against the daughter of Ungoliant.
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