A special material devised by Aulë to make the Ship of the Moon, as per BoLT1.
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From BoLT1; The Tale of the Sun and Moon” :
- “…..he (Aulë) called rather to him certain of those Eldar of his household who were of the Noldoli of old and had consorted with the jewel-makers. Now these revealed to him much store of crystals and delicate glasses that Fëanor and his sons had laid up in secret places in Sirnúmen, and with the aid of those Elves and of Varda of the stars, who gave even of the light of those frail boats of hers to give limpid clearness to their fashioning, he brought to being a substance thin as a petal of a rose, clear as the most transparent elfin glass, and very smooth, yet might Aulë of his skill bend it and fashion it, and naming it he called it vírin. Of vírin now he built a marvellous vessel, and often have men spoken of the Ship of the Moon, yet is it scarce like to any bark that sailed or sea or air.”