Mindon Eldaliéva
Description |  | 'Lofty Tower of the Eldalië', the tower of Ingwë in the city of Tiron, also simply called the Mindon. The house of Finwë was in the square underneath this tower, and it was here that Fëanor incited the Noldor to rebell after the death of the TwoTrees and the theft of the Silmarils.
and the highest of the towers of that city [Tiron] was the Tower of Ingwë, Mindon Eldaliéva, whose silver lamp shone far out into the mists of the sea. Few are the ships of mortal Men that have seen its slender beam. | The Silmarillion |
Comments |  | The beam of Mindon Eldaliéva is used as a symbol of departure from Valinior for the Noldor. The darkness which follows from Ungoliant and the death of the TwoTrees is said to darken its beam. Many of the Elves who followed Finarfin and Finrod went with Fëanor reluctantly, and it is said, often they looked behind them to see their fair city, until the lamp fo the Mindon Eldaliéva was lost in the night. When the host of Finarfin returned to Valinor, retracing their steps in sorrow, until they beheld once more the far beam of the Mindon upon Túna still shining in the night, and so came at last to Valinior.
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