The High Kings of the Noldor
Here is the list of the High Kings of the Noldor |  |
- 1. Finwë
- 2. Fëanor
- 3. Fingolfin
- 3a. Finarfin
- 4. Fingon
- 5. Turgon
- 6. Ereinion Gil-galad
Here is a list of all the High Princes on the House of Finwë |  |
The Sons of Fëanor
- Maedhros,
- Maglor,
- Celegorm,
- Caranthir,
- Curufin,
- Amrod,
- Amras,
- Celebrimbor (son of Curufin)
The Childern of Fingolfin
- Fingon
- Turgon
- Aredhel
The Childern of Finarfin
- Finrod Felagund
- Orodreth
- Angrod
- Aegnor
- Galadriel
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