House of Marach
The Third House of the Edain
 | In the next year after Bëor's coming, Marach led his people over the mountains. They were a tall and warlike folk, marching in ordered companies, and the Elves of Ossiriand hid themselves and did not waylay them. But Marach, hearing that the people of Bëor were dwelling in a green and fertile land, came down the Dwarf-road, and settled in the country south and east of the dwellings of Baran son of Bëor and there was great friendship between those peoples. | The Silmarilion, Of the Coming of Men into the West |
The House of Marach was great of strenth and stature, ready in mind, bold and steadfast, quick to anger and laughter, in Tolkien's words, "Mighty among the Children of Iluvatar in the Youth of Mankind." They were yellow-haired, and had blue eyes.
Malach Aradan
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Gundor Galdor = Hareth Glóredhel = Haldir
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Morwen = Húrin Huor = Rían Handir
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Túrin Nienor Tuor = Idril Brandir
see also Genealogy of Mankind
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