Ered Gorgoroth
(redirection from Mountains of Terror)
"Ungoliant fled from the north and came into the realm of King Thingol, and a terror of darkness was about here; but by the power of Melian she was stayed, and entered not into Neldoreth, but abode long time under the shadow of the Precipices in which Dorthonian fell southward. And they became knkown as Ered Gorgoroth, the Mountains of Terror, and none dared go thither, or pass nigh to them; there life and light were strangled, and there all waters were poisoned." -- The Silmarillion, Of the Sindar
The Girdle of Melian clashed with these mountains of Terror to create a nearly impassable barrier. Aredhel and her companions, leaving Gondolin, were lost here, and Aredhel escaped only to be caught in the mazes of Eöl. Later, Beren passed through the Ered Gorgoroth to reach Doriath, becoming the only being to pass the Girdle of Melian without the leave of Thingol and Melian.
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