Union of Maedhros
This league was formed by Maedhros to defeat Morgoth and ended in the NirnaethArnoediad.
In those days Maedhros son of Fëanor lifted his heart, perceiving that Morgoth was not unassailable; for the deeds of Beren and Lúthien were sung in many songs throughout Beleriand. Yet Morgoth would destroy them all, one by one, if they could not again unite, and make new league and common council; and he began those counsels for the raising of the fortunes of the Eldar that are called the Union of Maedhros. | Of the Fifth Battle, The Silmarillion |
Because of the evil deeds of the Sons of Fëanor and the Oath, only a small company came from Nargothrond, and only Mablung and Beleg from Doriath. Naugrim from Nogrod and Belegost, the Easterlings under Bór and Ulfang, Fingon, the House of Hador, and the people of Haleth united with the Sons of Fëanor in league against Morgoth. Even Turgon came forth from his HiddenCity? of Gondolin. This plan failed because of the might of Morgoth and treachery of Men.