FAQ / Triva and Quiz Questions
Here I an going to compile the Questions and Answers form a thread in The Tolkien Forum, Hall of Fire Section and I will submit my compilation back to them.
A lot of smart people contributed to this. I have not confirm all the answers but most are at least partialy right some will take some very deep digging to confirm
- Is Mordor north, south, east, or west of the Shire? South-east
- What is the name of Pippin's wife in later years? Diamond
- Who does Faramir their son marry? Goldilocks
- Who are Goldilock's Parents? Samwise and Rosie
- How many childern did Sam and Rosie have? 13
- Who killed Ancalagon the Black? Eärendil
- What are the names of the Three Houses of the Edain? Beör, Hador, Haleth
- Where did Barahir and his outlaws live? Dorthonion
- What other name is used for the Urulóki? Fire-drakes
- Who were the Onodrim? Ents
- Who was Incánus? This was Gandalf's name in the south
- How old was Pippin during the War of the Ring? 28
- Who was Queen Berúthiel? She was the Wife of Tarannon Falastur, the 12th king of Gondor
- How many of our years in a yen (elvish year)? 145 years or 52969 days
- Who was given the name Elestirnë? Erendis wife of Tar-Aldrion?
- What is a eored? A military unit consisting of 120 Riders
- What is Calacirya? the Cleft in the Pelori mountains of Aman
- What is the Máhanaxar? The Ring of Doom of the Valar
- What is the Rithil-Anamo?? The Ring of Doom of the Valar
- What are the Quenya names for the six days of the week (Enquië)? Elenya, Anarya, Isilya, Aldúya, Menelya and Tàrion or Valanya
- What is the difference between Arda and Ambar? Arda is the Solar System; Ambar is the Earth; Endor is the continent of Middle-earth
- What was the name of the Ranger of Ithilien who captured Gollum at Hennith Annun? Anborn
- Who is Aerin? kinsman of Húrin, secretly helped Morwen
- How many post-scripts in Gandalf letter left at the Prancing Pony? Three
- Who was also known as the Renewer? Aragorn
- What is the name of Celeborn's brother? Galathil
- Who is Fundin? Father of Balin and Dwalin
- Who was Idril's mother? Elenwë
- Where did Elenwë probably die? Helcaraxë
- What is the longest river in Beleriand? Gelion, but Sirion ,largest.
- What laid within Noirinan? Valley of the Tombs in Númenor
- Where was NanDungortheb? Between Doriath and EredGorgoroth
- What is the Sindarian word for Sea? gear
- What was the name of Fingolfin's horse? Rochellor
- Ciryaher Hyarmendacil was the__th King of Gondor? 15
- What was the former name of Anfauglith? Ard-galen
- Who is also known as Tintallë? Varda the Kindler
- Who is Edrahil? one of the elves who went with Finrod and Beren
- Who is Estlemo? One of the survivors of Gladden Fields when Isildur lost the ring
- Who is Fréawine? A king of Rohan
- Who composed the Aldulenie(the lay of the darkening of Valinor)? Elemmire
- Who wrote the Lear Cu Beleg? Túrin
- What was Culumalda, and where was it? a golden tree in Ithilien
- Who is Fuinar? A Númenorian deserter powerful in Haradrim
- Who was given the name Nóm? Finrod by Beör
- Who were called the Childern of the Sun? Men by the Eldar
- What was Eilenach? The second of the beacon hills of Gondor
- What was Tom Bombadil doing when he first meet Frodo? taking water-lilies to Goldberry
- What are all the names of Strider? Aragorn, Elessar, Elfstone, Estel, Thorongil, Telcontar, Envinyatar, Wingfoot, Longshanks
- What are the names of Gandalf? Mithrandir, Olóin, Incanus, Tharkûn, Stormcrow, Láthspell, Illnews
- What wer the names of Frodo's parents? Drogo and Primula
- What was the name of Gandalf's ring? Narya, the red ring
- Name the seven dwarven tribes? Blacklocks, Broadbeams, Firebeams, Ironfists, Longbeards, Stiffbeards, Stonefoots.
- Who was the last Númenoren king save Tar-Palatiir? to use his quenya name? Tar-Calmacil
- Who were the two sons of Elrond? Elladan and Elrohir
- Who was the leader of the Haleth whowas slain by Túrin? Brandir
- Which of the Valar made the dwarves? Aulë
- What was the name of the palace in which Turgon lived by the sea? Vinyamar
- Want and where is Udun? in Mordor between Isenmouthe and Morannon
- Who was the first Thain of the Shire? Bucca of the Marsh
- What is the name of the tengwa letter 'lh' in English? tree
- What does Tinúviel mean? Nightingale
- Which Nazgûl is most affected by sunlight? Khamûl
- What is Arwen's nickname and meaning? Undómiel, evening maiden
- Where were Merry and Pippin buried? beside Aragorn in house of Kings
- In what year were the Iron Hills settled and by who? Gór 2590TA
- Who slew Scatha? Fram son of Frugmar of Éothéod
- Who was the last King of Dale before Smaug came? Girion
- What is the name given to the Caverns of Narog by the Noegyth Nibin? Nulukkizdin
- What is the name of the Dwarf Lord of Belegost who was killed by Glaurung in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears? Azaghâl
- Who was the father of Tar-Miril?? Tar-Palantir
- Who did Brodda marry in Hithlum during the First Age? Aerin
- Which was the Fourth Great Battle in the war of Beleriand? Dagor Bragollach
- What were the names of the sons of Dior? Elured and Elurin
- Near which lake was the lair of Barahir and his outlaws? Tarn Aeluin
- What was the first name of the house of Hador? the Thrid house of Edain
- What does Idril Celebrindel's original name (in Quenya) mean? Itarille meant twinkle, sparkle.
- What were the Elves that lived in the Falas called? Falathrim
- Who ruled over the Falathrim? Cirdan the Shipwright
- What does the word 'Singollo' mean and to whom does it refer? It means Greymantle and refers to Elwë
- What is the Sindarin name for Moria? Hadhodrond
- What is the name of Gil-galad's spear? Aeglos
- What is the name of the fourth son of Finarfin? Aegnor
- What is the later name of Ereinion? Gil-galad
- Where in Beleriand lived Eöl after he had left Doriath? Nan Elmoth
- What was the name of the great pearl that Cirdan gave to Thingol and which in turn Thingol gave to the dwarves of Belegost? Nimphelos
- What name did Túrin give himself when he joined the Outlaws? Neithan, the wronged
- Name the Twelve companions of Barahir? Gorlim, Radhruin, Dairuin, Dagnir, Ragnor, Gildor, Arthad, Urthel, Hathaldir, Beren, Baragund, and Belegund.
- What is the name of the mound on which the two trees grew? Ezellohar
- What is the name of King Valacar's northman wife? Vidumavi Daughter of Vidugavia
- Who succeeded Dain Ironfoot to the Throne of Erebor? Thorin III Stonehelm
- Who loved Lúthien(apart from Beren)? Daeron
- Who slew Uldor the Accursed? Maglor
- Who was the first Son of Fëanor to die? Celegorm
- What was Alcarondas? The ship that Ar-Pharazôn sailed to Valinor
- Who wrought Orcrist? forged by Maeglin in Gondolin
- Who was the smith of Narsil? Telchar
- What was the name of the brother of Elwë that was the ancestor of Celeborn? Elmo
- Who bite off the hand of Beren? Carcharoth
- In what year was the Battle of Fornost fought? 1974 ThA
- What was the common name of the Hobbitiish surname Galbasi? Gamgee
- Who did Brandir kill? Dorlas
- Who said 'mind Bilbo doesn't eat all the cakes' The elves of Rivendell
- Who claimed his ancestors carved Nagothrond? Mîm
- Who named Melkor Morgoth? Fëanor
- Who named Nienor Niniel? Túrin
- Who did Eöl marry? Aredhel
- Who was the great-grandfather of Arwen in male decent? Tuor
- Who did Melian last speak with before she left Middle-earth? Mablung
- Who was the great-grandfather of Arwen in female decent? Finarfin
- Which dwarf was willing to go into the Lonely mountian with Bilbo the first time he entered? Balin
- Who was the first Thane of the Shire? Bucca of the Marsh
- Who sent messeges to Thingol about the Noldor regarding the kinslaying? Cirdan
- Who is person the Watcher in the Water is reported to have killed? Óin
- From whom did Éomer first learn taath his sister was brought in alive after the battle with the Nazgûl? Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth
- What was the name of the first Prince of Dol Amroth? Galador
- What was the name of Aragorn's mother? Gilrean
- What was the Capital of Arnor? Annuminas
- Who is accounted the third king of Arnor? Eldacar
- Who was the second king of the Reunited Kingdom? Eldarion
- What was the name of Eorl's father? Léod
- Who invented the alphabet? Rúmil
- Whose hair was said to speard through the waters of all the worlds oceans? Uinen
- Whom did Maeglin love? Idril
- Who were the founders of Umbar? Númenóreans on the Guild of Venturers
- Where was Elendil buried? At the top of Halfirien
- What is the name of Pippin's child friend in Minas Tirith? Bergil son of Beregond